Train or Plane to Osaka
Eating 1000 calories a day
Favorite band that released one album and disappeared after
Aerial - Roots (NEW)
Transit Blues is the greatest metalcore record ever made
Knocked Loose rose up on Sworn In’s legacy. Fight me.
“Flawless” discographies
Full furnace fest lineup revealed
EP’s that blow the rest of the discography out of the water
Discussion: new metalcore bands like Bad Omens and Dayseeker doing more for metalcore than any bands before them
If you could only listen to 3 bands for the rest of your life who would you choose?
Favourite Whitehorse Cafe?
Titan pocket for sale
How many bands can you say you listened to since the day of the first release?
Audio Player with Spotify
Termina - Parasocial feat. Phil Bozeman (Whitechapel) and Joshua Travis (Emmure) coming jan. 20
Does anyone in Canada use a Cat S22?
What is your favorite metalcore album of all time and why is it so special to you? Not necessarily the best one or the most important, just your personal favorite
Having a hard time getting into Underoath
Blessed By a Broken Heart
Trying to buy a house
Who is the nickleback of metalcore? Why?
Architects - the classic symptoms of a broken spirit [Album Discussion Thread]
New varials is....kinda meh?