Korean PC 방 Games
Planning to leave home for 1 day
I’ll be stuck with my narcissistic mother and toxic family members for a month or so please help
Is it Infected?
PC 방 Recording Gameplay
How to “play to improve”
why is it so hard to queue into a lobby with normal people?
ive played for 3 days but ima just retire after this
Is a 15 year old being attracted to 13 year old weird
What ships do you ship and what ship do you despise
genuine question: if you can, why do you choose not to comm in ranked?
How do I deal with these kind of girls in highschool
When to stop focusing on mechanics
How do I say “how much is it to get my ear pierced for both sides”
Sage emotes by me
Hard stuck bronze for 3 years
Warmup recommendations?
A little Astra doodle to celebrate her buff (by me)
First time need help
This Girl talks to me like a Child/Pet
Hard time finding agents to main
Best Aim/Movement Video?
Trackers don’t work in Korean Servers?
Can you record gameplay in PC bangs?
When will the trailer for the new Agent be out?