Name a music video and I’ll rate it
When I get paid I wanna spend it on you
Shower or bath
I’m trying to stalk someone’s account
Forget dogs playing poker
Idk self check out makes me more anxious
I love the fonz
pick an artist and ill tell you my fav song!
Would you ever call you partner babe/baby
i lost ronnie.
Facial hair or clean shaven
If you listen to Tyler the creator, what's your favorite album?
I see trees of green
rom com movie + tv + book suggestions
Let's write a song!
name an artist and i’ll give you my fav song by them! 🩶
Scrapbooking in my notebook
I’ve been thinking
What time of day is yalls fav?
I don’t want to drink water!
What are your opinions on socks
Serious question… do some of y’all actually like ASMR or do y’all just claim to?
I'm leaving my house for the night
What’s your favorite R rated movie
Y'all just sometimes go "mother... Fucker" Or "FUCKING HELL" in your mind?