if silksong never comes out, i will buy every comment under this post
If Silksong comes out in 2024, I will buy everyone that comments in here the game AND the platform they play it on
Feet clipping into each other before and after.
How can I make the transition less obvious?
Adding a kayak to my game was hard but it really paid off
I wasted some time to fix this issue, was it worth it?
potential solution
Matrix Demo Style Interior Mapping in Unity
Unity Hover Bike Controller
Procedural Jumping!
Please help me, ive got 169.254 ip
Jogging in the virtual world, so I don't have to in real life.
Playing with IK
I'm working on an Eastern European rural environment for my game. How does it feel?
capsule jump experiment.
Equipping/Holstering primary weapon. (pRoCeDuRaLlY)
Procedural locomotion with a pimp cane.
Some procedural animation shenanigans..
Another attempt at procedural locomotion animation.
first person shooter
Procedural locomotion for bipedal characters attempt in Unity.
A little something I whipped up in Blender!