Last week at work!❤️
35wks - when do they do a sweep?
35wks - period pains?
Are you more smelly?
Had my baby shower ❤️ - insecure!
Anyone else 38 weeks along?
Raspberry Leaf Tea
Antenatal class disappointment
Body after pregnancy.
Hey everyone, I have booked an appointment with my doctor but anxiety is leaving me post here. I’m 37 weeks pregnant and noticed some skin flaking around my areola, and in another spot near my nipple.
Mucus plug
34 weeks - painful kicks! Almost peeing myself!
Combination feeding? Help!
Conflicted about when to start maternity leave
Not very active baby
33wks - How are you feeling?❤️
Graduation day - Baby is here
UTI pregnant (33wks)
Colostrum Harvesting
32wks - sensitive nipples!
Can’t stop eating in first trimester
8 months worried - can I request for growth scans if I’m worried?
When did you spontaneously go into labour with subsequent babies versus your first?
Cramp/pain in calves!