First attempt at fruit leather - whomp whomp!
Bosch 300 dishwasher. All lights on control panel lit up even though I didn't touch them and the machine turned on with the door open.
Giant Bomb Plays | Avowed
Ps5 carian knight sword
Film crew at Cassis?
Hawk swooped down w/rabbit!
Just a little something going on
Mouse finds the ultimate hiding place
24 Hour or Very Early Coffee?
I accidentally deleted my 200hour save
I wish the team that remade Demon's Souls had also taken the time to update and modernize some of the game design, a lot of the game is frustratingly dated and tedious...
Four kings on SL1 made me go Hollow…almost
Get ready for a Cold and Miserable week in Florida terms.
What would you tell a new player to help them out that the game doesn't?
Which restaurant would you drive over the bridge to Tampa for?
Best tiki bars near baseball spring training? clearwater, tampa, st petersburg FL?
Tomahawk process?
does clarifying lime juice make it last longer?
Curing and Drying our own Vanilla Beans!
Anyway to see what you've highlighted better? Playing on steam deck
Cocktails with amaro averna
Return to Lordran 2025 beeches!
Do you take Maye and the 1.04 as a contender
From 1960-2014, kickers went 14-118 from 60+ yards. In the past 3 seasons, kickers are 14-37 from 60+ yards.