Has there been really risky moves that completely blew up in the players face in a serious way ?
I love looking at the world around Demons Souls
Today [February 5th] it's 16 years ago original Demon's Souls released in Japan
Today, I saw Seong-Jin Cho's recital of Ravel's complete solo piano works in Boston, and it was unbelievable.
... Is it worth it?
You get to add lore to a boss, character, or level. What do you choose?
I just got punched by a dragon. 10/10, I'm loving it so far
I don't understand if human form or soul form is better
[PC] [DS1] Need to kill some bosses together for the Sunbros covenant
I hate myself
Return to Lordran Event Question
New to the game!
Checklist for all Knight's Honor achievement weapons, Miracles, Sorceries & Pyromancies
I got my Knight's Honor achievement today, and I didn't go hollow!
[PC] [DS1] Need help with Smough and Ornstein
Ready for the Boston MGM show!
Any way to quickly reach Firelink Shrine from the Tomb of Giants?
What would you tell a new player to help them out that the game doesn't?
Knight's honor trophy
Felt Cute…Might Delete Later
Players spend 1.5 hours planning how to assault a pirate ship, get swallowed by sea monster on the way
Chase Freedom Flex 2025 Q1 Categories
4D mode status report: All's good so far!
An Obituary For Someone Who Definitely Faked Their Own Death | Make Some Noise [S3E13]