What is the most visually stunning film of all time?
Beware of ibuprofen , alternative??
Dr. Teals Menstrual Relief
My Daughters comment when watching Friends
Restaurants should bring back dance floors
People think British people are the ugly because we cast regular looking people in our movies
New study shows that in the Northeast, 50% of Adult Ticks Carry Lyme Disease
A partner with poor dental health can impact your own dental health.
What’s your nsfw advice?
I'm quitting Instagram. You should too | Mark Zuckerberg's horrible changes for Instagram — and Facebook — have become untenable, writes Lennon Torres.
Have never seen anything so fucking absurd in my life
Why this part hurt so much during period?
Large endometrioma + adenomyosis but little pain, is surgery worth it?
Peri AND Endo? Any Sympathizers?
What do you miss most about living in the ‘90s?
Favorite picture of Layne?
My attempt to draw Layne
What thing are TOTALLY not worth it?
When people ask you “what do you do for a living” theyre not measuring the level of respect to give you
Why do so many people have hatred towards mocktails?
The moment you realised an actor was a star?
What's the most unattractive fashion style someone can have?
The OG Xennial dream girl
What’s something society considers normal but you find absolutely ridiculous?
Tell me your beginner skincare “fail”