I love mommies
This is concerning
Brainwash Your Girl 🤮
Nora Fathei said a man would rather choose a shy polite woman with 0 achievements rather than an arrogant successful woman
[ Removed by Reddit ]
Where is the future of Bangladesh?
My (28F) ex boyfriend (32M) left me to get an arranged marriage.
How to do background checks on someone for arranged marriage?
Dacoits rape passengers
How many "Mrs" movies will it take for men to understand.
Girls have best s*x through penetration only /s
Couple attacked publicly with sharp weapons in Uttara, 2 arrested
Did Queens who had utmost power also practiced polyamory just like Kings?
Valentine campaigns
How scary are arranged marriages?
How can I date?
Ladies, be warned about the power of ankle bracelets
Why are most child prodigy movies are based on a boy?
Ideological Engineering in schools and the Yunus government's push towards Islamism/ বিদ্যালয়ে আদর্শগত প্রকৌশল এবং ইউনুস সরকারের ইসলামপন্থার দিকে ধাবিত হওয়া
Invisible Technologies-AI data trainer
Did you know? (Sorry if this is a repost)
I blocked my cousin. Now I feel guilty.
"Sacrifice" of being married and raising children.
Dhanmondi 32 incident
পরিবার পরিকল্পনার নামে জনসংখ্যার ক্রাইসিস তৈরি হচ্ছে: শায়খ আহমদুল্লাহ