Buce. DSK/Dark Achilles, submersed or emersed?
So hyped
Is my tank safe for shrimps
I need a tiny bit of help! 😅
Setting up a tank for the first time
How to keep beta fish warm on long car ride?
What pie mold y'all have?
Question about rocks.
Betta in a large bowl
My Algae Infested Tank
will this waterflow be too much for a betta?
my 20 gallon long
My co2 diffuser keeps pushing the sand how do I stop this?
What should I get?
Questions about my tank
What’s one thing someone told you that turned out to be completely false?
Finally made the switch
How can I rescue a school betta
Not a great pic but new ten gallon any planting or stocking suggestions
19, not gay
Amano looks berried?
Can I have too many?
I was the white elephant giftee
Fish developing odd white film on body and under eyes and then dying
What parameters should I be looking for when I’m cycling my tank?