Pay rates for pharm techs are kinda unfair now
AIO? Gf talking to me
The Titanium Ranger, Ryan from Lightspeed Rescue is the first responser as your choice for Silver! Finally, which Gold Ranger should cash in on the last spot?
AIO, my boyfriend added a young female bartender on FB.
Who here is closest related to me?
Day 12 of trying to get a comment from every US county!
AIO i wanted to wear a dress or skirt today and my bf got mad abt it
Complete Chronological Order of all Star Wars movies and TV shows episodes
Famous ancestors from Family Search?
My Polish great grandparents, just wondering do you think they look Jewish at all?. I got 10% Ashkenazi Jewish, I believe it’s from there side. Yet to figure it out
DNA Results for Me, Girlfriend, Grandma, and Grandpa
What’s up with this sudden German precent increase? Before the update I was 2 precent!
Tree Checker
Pre-update results, I know for a fact that multiple of my great grandparents are german. Could that be lumped in with the Jewish?
name a $b song in emojis and i’ll try to guess it
Join Dantavius Discord Server Schmucks
What is the most disgusting thing you did willingly?
What Worst possible reply to "I'm pregnant"?
Friendship Exp & Gift Exchange Megathread
What is a figure that you regret missing out on ?
got the staffworkforce maintenance fit in yesterday
Today’s Haul. Red Time Force from Amazon for about $40 I think and The other three were on sale at Best Buy for $31 total.
Which 5 episodes would you pick if they made a new Best of Power Rangers collection?
Blue Senturion Arrived
New Remastered MMPR Removable Dragon Shield Red, Shieldless Green, Pink, and Black