I love u christi but if I hear u talk about the your so funny thanks trend im gonna be done
Follow me on Instagram @deff_notwall85e
À body want to follow me on Instagram deff_notwall85e
I know it’s not much but melissa liked my comment on Instagram and ticktock
The fact that all of the (og) dance moms girls are all still friends amazes me because my friend group is falling apart and we are not constantly pited against each other and our mothers don’t get in screaming matches
Is this Brooke?!?or
The show was never the same after Brooke and Paige left it was so hard to watch because it felt like there was no aspect of firendship left
Now We’re Moving onto the SOLO GAME!! Starting Off We Have the: “CUTEST SOLO”!!
Who’s one mom that you just can’t stand
They did nia so dirty with this with
In the sence when girls are audting for the show and all of the studio moms are sitting upstaris and Diane asks lesslie why she left their kids in La … does any body know what this is about
What was the aldc’s reputation before the show?
Does anybody know why they are crying ?
I summoned a page down off the stage had me dead 💀
Idk if this is real .. even if it isn’t I just love the possibility that Maddie said this
Rare Dance moms funny faces
Maddie looks like she is going to start crying tears of joy
Somebody posted the uncut version of the dawn fight just Watch it all the way through
Whenever one of the girls used to get hurt, no matter how bad the injury was if it was sore muscle or a broken limb ✨Abby✨ solution was go get a drink of water
It’s so crazy to me that Cathy did a routine called build the wall
Am I the only person who is scared by Abby Lee miller’s obsession with 9 year old Maddie
It’s Disgusting
Hotel heart