My Toddler Refuses To Say "Mama"
Hi, everyone! I just need to get this off my chest more than receive advice. My daughter (we're OAD, she is 20 months) stays home with my husband, and has since I went back to work after maternity leave. We are so beyond lucky that we can make this work- I know that and feel that gratitude daily. My husband is a fantastic dad, husband, all of it.
As a working mom, I already feel like I'm doing the wrong thing. I wanted to have a baby my entire life. (I was raised in a conservative Christian home, so that was my whole "purpose" in my formative years. But that is an entirely different subreddit.) She is my dream come true, and the road to get her here was HARD. Two back to back miscarriages, an HG diagnosis, emergency c-section where I almost died.
...she refuses to say "mama." Refuses. She talks all the time. She says "dad" and "daddy" all the time. She says "daddy" IN HER SLEEP. Everything I've read is either "Oh, the M sound is difficult" or "LO is with Mom all day, so of course she says dad." None of it applies to my situation.
It's devastating. I know she likes/loves me. I know that. But, really, I guess I just needed to say "What the fuck?"