Whatsapp not detecting previous local backup on Android 14

Hello all, i have a problem with whatsapp not recognizing previous backups from a whatsapp apk. Because it was an apk it only saved my backups locally and not on drive, however i didn't change phones and the number i used was the same on both versions, as i didn't leave any groups i was a part of etc. So everything between the versions should be the same.

Now i attached two photographs, the first is the backed up files i transferred somewhere safe from the previous version of whatsapp which end on 24 February. The second photograph is the WhatsApp folder the app made in order to hold local backups. I tested that it does recognizd the local backups it creates, the ones dated 2, 3 and 4 march respectively.

I tried adding both the 5 files in the first photograph in the folder and renaming the last folder msgstore.db.crypt14, but if that happens it just doesn't recognize the local backups and looks for a google drive backup. So the problem is it recognizes only its own backups it just made and nothing else, which is useless for me.

Does anyone know a fix to this? I tried the ones on this subreddit and none have worked for me. If not, does anyone know how to replace the google drive backup with my 24 feb backup?