We are involuntarily co-sleeping and going crazy!

My daughter will be 3 in two months. Her first year of life she wasn’t the best sleeper, wasn’t the worst but I mean that’s to be expected with a baby. Her second year she was a GREAT sleeper. Easy to put to bed, put herself to sleep, slept through the night.

Since she turned two, it’s been hell. At the beginning of the year, she would wake and cry, and we would spend most nights in a make shift bed beside her crib on the floor, and would hold her hand through the bars.

Then we tried moving her in the same room as her older sister to see if that would help. We thought she might just need another body in the room to make her feel better when she wakes up in the night. That didn’t help.

Then older sisters sleep started to suffer from all of the waking and crying so we separated them again. This went on until we moved to another country. We sold all of our furniture and moved into a furnished rental, so she now sleeps in a queen bed. (We can’t afford to get her a toddler bed, nor do we really have the space for it.) she has gotten used to sleeping in a big bed, doesn’t fall out or anything.

Still she wakes and either cries for us to go to her room and we have to stay with her until she’s asleep again, or she will go into her sisters room and wake her up, or she will come into my bed and sleep with me and my husband. No matter what, we all have a terrible sleep. If you’ve slept with a toddler, you know that they are wiggly, sleep horizontally and kick one person in the face or back all night. We really don’t want her in our bed but we are exhausted and don’t have the energy to put her back to bed.

This past week my husband slept in her bed all night from the start to see if he could train her to sleep ttn. She did sleep, and never woke him up, so last night he tried sleeping in our bed and she woke up again. We are at a LOSS of what to do. It’s been almost a year of this and we can’t go on like this much longer.

ANY advice would be appreciated!! We are desperate. Other things we have tried: melatonin gummies, protein drinks before bed, swinging her in a blanket (proprioception), cry it out, etc.

TL;DR it’s been almost a year of fighting my toddler to sleep through the night by herself and we are desperate for a solution