What is Wrong with Customer Service.. Very Rude and Hung up on !!!

I called Ting because I received an email to upgrade one of my sim cards, and I wanted to figure out what my options are. Customer Service sent me a security code by email, and I told them I never received it. I checked my spam box, and there was nothing. I informed the customer service rep this happened the last time I called, and it took a very, very long time to receive this code, even after I (not the rep) initiated confirming my email address. She didn't want to wait and said that there was no other way to get this security code, so she couldn't talk with me. Customer service, I would like to point out that I have never had a problem with Ting's service before now. And was always very happy with their service and people.

But this has changed in the past year. I have gotten rude reps on the phone, no help with my issues, and now today, I had a customer service rep hang up on me three times. She would not give me her name and just hung up.

I don't know WTF is going on with this company, but I'm going to take my business elsewhere if this is how I am going to be treated. I don't just have one phone on this service but six phone numbers, not including all my co-workers that have this service as well after I recommended it.

I am appalled at the lack of professionalism and communication their customer service reps are providing their customers.