Whats your favorite non-Tama digital pet? The Pokémon Mecha Nage totally draws me in just as much!
It's definitely different. It's mostly about catching 'em all of course, and there isn't the care aspect like you would get with the tamas. But you can play a catch game with the mons, where each one typically has its own type of throw they want. Which also comes into play with catching them to begin with. There are many different throws/movement patterns with catching a Pokémon, all based on the actual gyroscope inside the ball. Some may just ask you to "throw" the ball on time, or a "curveball" or even back and forth to dodge a mons attacks, and many more. There is even a battle mode, but it is very different from a typical pokemon battle. It's really just "throwing" the ball to try and roll a higher number than the battling mon. Anyway, I totally love it, it has a great array of pokemon to catch (about a third of who's out throughout the generations) it's very fun with the throwing aspects to catch and play, and I love setting my favorites as my buddy on the home screen
It's definitely different. It's mostly about catching 'em all of course, and there isn't the care aspect like you would get with the tamas. But you can play a catch game with the mons, where each one typically has its own type of throw they want. Which also comes into play with catching them to begin with. There are many different throws/movement patterns with catching a Pokémon, all based on the actual gyroscope inside the ball. Some may just ask you to "throw" the ball on time, or a "curveball" or even back and forth to dodge a mons attacks, and many more. There is even a battle mode, but it is very different from a typical pokemon battle. It's really just "throwing" the ball to try and roll a higher number than the battling mon. Anyway, I totally love it, it has a great array of pokemon to catch (about a third of who's out throughout the generations) it's very fun with the throwing aspects to catch and play, and I love setting my favorites as my buddy on the home screen