Fatty liver gone - a positive story

Hi all, I wanted to share a bit of hope for some others. (36M)

I started drinking when I was about 15 and was on and off drinking heavily throughout my 20s. It varied in severity and I did have periods of abstinence or drinking very little but I also had years where I went heavy. After I lost my mother at age 28 I drank 2 bottles of wine every single Friday night for 3 years and packed on a ton of weight.

I got an ultrasound in 2019 which said ‘enlarged liver and spleen, liver slightly bright suggesting fatty infiltration’. Around 7 months afterwards I had a fibroscan which said ‘no damage or scarring’ to my liver. Still, it sounded like I did have fatty changes to my liver. I wasn’t in a great state.

I gave up alcohol, lost 20lbs (not huge) and made dietary changes (again, not huge ones, just stopped eating so many takeaways and went to the gym sporadically/walked)

I had a new ultrasound in 2023 which was completely normal. Healthy liver, spleen, all organs basically. No sign of fat or lesions etc.

I just wanted to share to say if you get this sort of result, take it seriously, act on it and stay positive that you can make changes.

Update: thanks to everyone who upvoted and replied to this. I really do hope this helps motivate someone in a similar situation and relieve their anxiety if they find themselves in a similar situation.