Sitcom Recommendations for Class

I teach a 3-hour intro class at a community college, and since we have so much time on our hands, I've turned to watching an episode of popular sitcoms and having students make connections between the episode and the content we discussed that evening. There have been a few classes where we got into some really good discussions and didn't end up getting to the TV show, which actually worked out because the episodes I picked weren't suuuuuuper great.

These are what I have used:

  • The Good Place 1.1: "Everything is Fine" (The Self)
  • Parks and Recreation 3.12: "Eagleton" (Culture)
  • Brooklyn Nine Nine 1.16: "The Party" (Identity)
  • I Think You Should Leave 1.1: "Has This Ever Happened to You?" (Social Interaction)
  • Superstore 4.21: "Sandra's Fight" (Economic Inequality)

I'm looking for suggestions for specific episodes of shows (ideally sitcoms/30-minute shows) for the following topics:

  • Institutional Racism (I've used a clip from Blackish previously, but I don't know the specific episode and have not watched the show myself)
  • Gendered Oppression
  • Deviance and Defiance

Any and all are appreciated!