Sleeping is difficult rn
So I (19F) have been going through a really rough patch recently. I have CPTSD, and I got into my first relationship recently. Long story short, trauma kicked in and send my stress and anxiety levels to the roof, to the point that during one night, I couldn’t sleep at all. I got Lorazepam (1mg) from my GP, but according to my psychiatrist I should stop taking it as soon as possible, since it makes me slow and sleepy. I have been trying sleeping without it, but every time after an hour or two, I just cannot sleep. I know this is hypervigilence from my CPTSD, because I want to sleep, I feel sleepy when I lie down. My eyelids are heavy and my body relaxed, just that my brain does. Not. Stop. Thinking. I have been taking Lorazepam for over a week now, and I cannot fall asleep without it so far. And even when I take it, I wake up early (around 6-7) and cannot fall back asleep until my alarm rings (around 9). I put my phone down at 9-10, go to bed, read a book and then try to sleep, but if I don’t take it I do not sleep. I just want to have some real sleep and be able to rest fully. To note that I exercise almost everyday, and that I have a healthy diet. Any advice?