Was your narc parent medically neglectful?
Edit/update: wow guys I didn’t expect this response but thank you so much, feels very validating. I’m sorry you all were treated like this, it’s not fair. It’s crazy how common this seems to be but I can’t find much on the web about it?? My nmum is one of those that people think is so lovely and I’m “so lucky to have her as my mum” so I was gaslighted my whole life thinking I was the crazy one and this group has helped me work through so much in this last year. I’m fortunate enough to live in a country with free healthcare so there was literally no excuse for her besides (I assume) not wanting me to get all that attention and special care. No wonder why most of us have CPTSD because our nparents did a solid job of fucking us up. I hope you are all healing and looking after yourselves.
My covert Nmother was medically neglectful but I can’t find much on YouTube or google specifically about this? There’s lots about emotional neglect of course, but I’m talking straight out ignoring/denying medical issues.
A few (of many) examples of how my Nmother was medically neglectful of myself and my brother:
She ignored when I tore the ligament in my left ankle in a school race. Wouldn’t take me to the doctor and sent me to school barely able to walk. She told me to stop exaggerating. My ankle never healed properly and I can’t run very well.
My brother lost a testicle and almost went into septic shock because she took two days to take him to hospital when his testicles twisted and one died.
She ignored my pleas for mental health help from the age of 13, told me “don’t be ridiculous, it’s all in your head, what have you got to be depressed about? Put a smile on your face and have a better outlook on life and you’ll feel better.”
She ignored recommendations by teachers, nurses and other professionals to get my brother diagnosed with autism and still refuses to believe it. “He’s just quirky”. She also refuses to acknowledge my now diagnosed adhd (had to take myself for a diagnosis at 25).