Only Muslims go to Jannah?

So yesterday, a sister on this sub did takfir on me for asserting that non-muslims can go to heaven.

She accused me of denying the Qur'an and by doing so, I had, de facto, left the fold of Islam.

Now, I am sure that I am by no means a perfect Muslim. But nobody has the right to strip me of my shahadah, and I will strongly rebuke anyone who does so.

I have provided an interesting discussion on the matter (linked above).

But I knew this already. As I have stated earlier, I have travelled and studied, listening to many Shayook. All of them were orthodox Muslims, qualified in fiqh and other sciences.

When I comment on here, I try to be clear as to what is my opinion, what I am relating from others and what is my opinion based upon what I learnt from others.

Kufr, as the Shaikh in the video reminds us, is a very weighty term. A Kafir is a person who deliberately and conciously hides the truth after properly witnessing and understanding it.

This is why the shariah describes reverts as " those whose hearts need to be reconciled."

There were many Arab tribes who heard about Islam and took shahadah but who remained ignorant as to what Islam is.

Today, there are many Muslim factions who have far ranging views on many things , but what keeps them in Islam is their Shahadah, not their opinions on ayaat or hadith.

The Qur'an itself describes the Kafaroon from amongst the Kitab, the Mushriks and the munafiqoon. Note here " from" not "all of them."

Some commentators reserve the term "mushriq" for very specific people.

Note also that the Prophet himself knew who the munafiqoon were, but he did not expose them. I am sure that if they were alive today, many Muslims would consider them great Muslims.

Let me also remind people that whilst we believe that all the Prophets will acknowledge the Rasool, on whom be peace, none of them are recorded as uttering the shahadah as Muslims do today. Would you do takfir on them?