I hate forced birthers that choose the existence of an embryo in their teenage or even preteen daughter's uterus over their daughter
I just can't fathom it. If I had a daughter and she got pregnant and was miserable I would take her to get an abortion even though I might not be able to get one myself because I couldn't stand seeing my daughter suffering. I could never force her to remain pregnant. These people prioritize a non sapient, non sentient, non emotion feeling, non developed embryo in their daughter's uterus existing over the wellbeing of their own daughter, they deny their daughter her medical care, and they prioritize potential over their already alive daughter to the point where they traumatize their daughter for life. If it's sexual assault, they force their daughter to carry her rapist's embryo to term and they sometimes give the baby to the rapist or have her raise the baby. Children that are forced to have children, especially if it's rape, are on medications and in therapy for life, and they can become depressed or even suicidal. I could not stand seeing my daughter depressed or suicidal. Forced birthers truly have no empathy for their teenage and preteen daughters.