Found out baby’s gender

I’m just trying to vent and look for support if possible. I’m (22f) 17w and 3 days pregnant with my first baby. My husband (23m) and I are super excited about finally being parents, but that all changed after today. A little back story my husband and I settled down young we’ve been together 6 years (only 2 married) I thought he was the perfect man but he was far from that. When we moved in together 3 years ago his whole demeanor changed towards me. Constantly yelling and demeaning me but he would immediately apologize and I would accept it and move on. He had never shown this side to me before so I was taken back by all this but decided to stay and work things out with him.After working on our relationship we thought we were ready to take the next step and finally start a family. I’ve always wanted to be a mother so when we finally found out I was pregnant we were ecstatic. We finally found out the baby’s gender at today’s ultrasound turns out I’m having a girl. I really didn’t care on the gender as long as the baby is healthy, but him on the other hand wanted a boy. All day he’s been going on about how I’m useless of a woman, how big of a disappointment I am, and that my body is going to be disgusting to look at once I give birth. He’s gone as far as to say that i need to abort this baby because he’ll never accept it. He’s refusing to come to future appointments and to even be present the day of the birth (July 20 expected). I’m just really hurt and haven’t been able to stop crying. It’s feels like I’m living a nightmare now and I just feel so lost. I don’t want to abort but I also don’t want this child to suffer just because it’s not the gender he wanted. Sorry for the long story just needed to let this out my chest