Feeling pretty good 6W1D, cue nerves lol

Hi everyone! this group has already been such a big help for me. I posted about a fight me and my husband had and got so much support! Happy to update that we are navigating what came up together and as many said, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise.

Now I'm looking for a little ease of mind about physical stuff!

I found out i was pregnant at 4W4D which feels SO early and i have my first appointment at 8W4D

Today I woke up feeling the best I have since before I found out I was pregnant and while I am SO grateful to feel good, was able to hit the gym, and had energy to do laundry for the first time in weeks, cue the nervousness 😂

I have been naturally managing my anxiety for many years with a lot of tools but I swear this pregnancy is bringing up SO much nerves because I want this baby SO badly and have dealt with a ton of loss in my life (lost two parents before age of 28 & MIL 2 months after we got married), i'm also adopted which is a whole other subconscious landmine lol

So anyway, I'd love to know if you had good days in the first trimester without feeling nauseous/vomming after struggling with consistent nausea & fatigue.

Was it more consistent not feeling good or did it ebb and flow for you?

Is this a red flag or am I fine 😂

thank you in advance!!