How to handle situation with overbearing mom
I (29f) am currently 39 weeks pregnant (FTM) and due to be induced on Tuesday. Last week I had a disagreement with my mom where I tried reinforcing a boundary I had set in place throughout the pregnancy. For backstory, my husband and I went through IVF, from the beginning we informed family that we would like to not be asked a bunch of questions and instead will provide updates when we have them. This has been a concept my mom has really struggled with, especially since my brother and his wife had a baby a few months ago. Throughout the pregnancy my SIL leaned heavily on my mom. I'm super thankful that they had each other but from the beginning let my mom know this would not be the case with me and that I'm more private of a person. Back to the current problem, i let my mom know i have doctors appointments but she insists on texting the day before to find out when they are, the day of the appointment to wish me luck and then imediately after for any news. I called her and stated I needed to talk to her about something and her response was "what have i done wrong now". I let her know it was nothing like that but these questions make me uncomfortable. Her response was "Well I'm sorry for caring" and the call ended there. We have only spoken one time since, where my husband and i called to let them know i would be getting induced. She could not have cared less said ok cool and hung up. Call lasted about 30 seconds. This wouldn't be the first incident during my pregnancy she has behaved in this kind of manner. Earlier on she said something that hurt my feelings, i let her know and her response was "Well I'm sorry I'm already trying to tiptoe around you and your pregnancy hormones and we both know you have a short fuse". I really struggle here because I feel like I've been trying to gentle parent my mom on how to properly communicate. I was raised to ignore the problem, not speak to each other for a couple days and then pretend like nothing ever happened. Apologies were few and far between and it's a cycle I'm trying to break.
Now for the advice I'm seeking, i do not want this cloud of unresolved business looming over me during the birth of our first child. Im mainly looking for advice on how to rectify the situation in the next day or two.
TLDR: Tried maintaining a boundary with my mom. She got upset and is holding a grudge. Seeking advice on how to solve this situation before baby's arrival on Tuesday.