Thinking about changing my home birth to hospital birth

I am pregnant with my second child. I went to a birthing center with my first and ended up transferring to a hospital after 30 hours of labor. My tissue was so tight down there and my body would not push my son out. So midwife suggested I go get the epidural to relax and rest for a moment. I wasn't pleased, but I just wanted my boy to be healthy and understood why she suggested it. After an hour of receiving the epidural, I was able to push him out! No complications.

The birthing center already had a specific obgyn they worked with, and he was super laid back. Very nice experience with him. Fast-forward three years later and I'm currently 32 weeks pregnant with my daughter. I've been seeing a midwife this entire pregnancy and wanted an at home birth. Part of me still does.

However, over the last week or so I've been having a deep feeling that I should go back to the hospital (preferably the obgyn who delivered my son.) I'm not sure if it's because of my grandfather's recent passing, or just the overall stress this last year has brought me, but I can't shake the feeling of going to the hospital now. My husband is very supportive and said whatever I want to do will be just fine.

I still want a low intervention birth if possible, and I'm not afraid to speak my mind unless there is a medical emergency of course. My question is, has anyone else out there been in a similar situation? Did you want a home birth and last minute change your mind? How was your experience? Any advice is welcome. Thank you.