Empty Sac- positive outcome

A small bit of good news in case anyone is scouring like I have been the last month:

Background : I’ve had 2 early losses b2b and this is my 3rd pregnancy. I’m supplementing with progesterone and aspirin this time. I had the occasional light spotting, but think it was just my progesterone applicators causing it so I stopped using them. Went in for an ultrasound at what they assumed based on LMP to be 7w4d. (But I knew I had ovulated late and assumed I was a week behind.) empty sac. They said “it might just be early!” And to come back in a week. Obviously I ran here and saw that even if I got a positive test AT 3 weeks, i should be 6w2d at the VERY earliest and an empty sac was not a good sign.

I had come to terms with the worst possible outcome (which I always eternally appreciate about this sub) and went in to have it confirmed a week later. To my surprise there was a yolk and fetal pole! But heart rate was only 95 bpm. Once again I came here and based on their new estimated 7W (which would mean i got a positive test at 2W4d….. lol.) it still wasn’t a good sign to have that low of a heart rate. Sigh. I came back Today for one more follow up- the fetus nearly doubled in size with 151 bpm heart rate!

It is still early, and I am only cautiously optimistic, but my doctor feels good about it and I don’t have to go back for a month.

All this to say if you’re in a similar situation… not all hope is lost! Guarding your heart is important but I wish I’d left a tiny place for hope for mental health’s sake the last couple of weeks.

Anyway, unsure if this is useful or just redundant, please feel free to delete if unwanted!

Update: ugh. I’m sorry to say that this ended in loss. We went for a quick private ultrasound right before we went home for the holidays and told our families. It was hard to find and there was no heart beat, it looks like it stopped a couple of days past that last ultrasound…. Having a D&C tomorrow to send off for testing. Wishing the best for anyone in a similar situation as I still know it doesn’t always end this way ❤️