MIL calling our baby 'my baby'

Does anybody have MILs that do this and does it bother yall as much as it bothers me? Like, she's not your baby.. she's the baby of your son and me. Idk if I'm being dramatic, but I didn't carry her for 9 months, go through a grueling labor and delivery, deal with PT and other debilitating conditions post partum l just for you to call her your baby 😒. She is not yours.. I just feel like this attitude could potentially invalidate our boundaries for the baby (no mouth kissing, no picture posting on social media, ect) because she feels 'entitled' to our baby.

Edit: thanks to everyone that contributed their opinions/advice on this thread. I didn't specify WHY I was nervous about the boundary crossing in the original post, but my MIL has ignored boundaries with her other sons children and has now lost the opportunity to be involved in their lives. She has went directly against their wishes as far as what she taught/preached to the children while their parents were not around and even got one of the kids sick by kissing them while having an active cold sore. She says she's changed which is why my husband and I are allowing her a chance to be in our daughters lives WHILE SUPERVISED. I probably should have elaborated more in the context of the original post, but this wasn't a 'dog my in-law post' it was more of a 'does anyone else feel like me' post. So again, thanks to everyone that contributed to the conversation even tho some of you were super mean🤣