Idk how I feel about my baby name now

We already chose our name at 6 weeks and I’m now 22+2. We found out 2 weeks ago we are having a girl. However, I’m finding out everyone who is having a baby girl is naming their girl THE EXACT NAME we picked out months ago (Adeline Rose). I still think it’s a beautiful name but now I’m feeling it’s less unique which is one of the big reasons I liked it. A couple girls from my work just found out they are pregnant have decided they liked our girl name so much they are ALSO now naming their baby that. I also saw two of my friends just post on Facebook after they gave birth to their girls the same EXACT NAME. I feel like I should have just kept my mouth shut cause now I’m regretting the name. People have already made us customized stuff with her name on it and we already publicly announced the name. End Rant.

Okay so EDIT since everyone is saying it’s not unique or whatever. I misspoke when I said unique. I wanted something LESS common around where I live and in my family. I understand Adeline isn’t a unique name but it would be unique where I live and in my family. That’s why it bothered me so much that people who know me where I live and on Facebook have decided to take the same name. I announced the girl name and boy name around when I was 10 weeks to family and select coworkers. That was probably my bad. And yes I’m for real that multiple people have chosen the exact same name cause apparently it’s not “unique”. I just wanted to be able to share my frustration and instead people have been quite opinionated about my post. It was just a rant.