Soon to be homeless and can’t find a job.
I will be homeless in two months because my sister is kicking me out. I have been searching for a job since September of last year but have only gotten three interviews. I have absolutely no prior work experience, as I’ve been babysitting my sister's kids since I was 19, but I do have volunteer experience at my local food bank. My only form of transportation is walking, so my job options are limited to those within walking distance. I've looked into dog walking, babysitting, temp agencies, house cleaning you name it but I’ve had no luck. The only thing that might help me is selling my Rolex, which my sister gifted me for my birthday before we fell out. However, I don’t even know what kind of Rolex it is or how to go about selling it. I just feel so lost and unsure of what to do. I reside in Delaware, and any advice would be greatly appreciated. Also, I can't join the military because of mental health issues, and I can't go to Job Corps because of my braces, which are covered by Delaware Medicaid. I would love to get them taken off to attend Job Corps, but it would cost me $2,000, which I don't have, and my orthodontist said pausing treatment isn't an option. Luckily, the braces will be off by next year.