Hard time
It feels so hard to take care of myself and my baby right now; I’m having really bad symptoms from liver pain and possibly my kidneys while my son is 2 months old and I’ve been extremely tired. I made dinner tonight, got a shower, and I need to take my medications for my other illnesses. I live with my mom (I’m 18) and I don’t mind + kind’ve expected the situation I’m in but I don’t get along with her boyfriend and his son. His son is 10 with his own mental illnesses (he is on medications) but he takes most of his problems out on me in ways that impact me (aka. Looking to steal, break or ruin mine or my son’s stuff). I don’t have the money or time to be dealing with a kid that isn’t mine but they keep trying to say “he has mental issues — you have to understand…” or “…you can expect your son to act like this when he’s 2 years old…” but my son is not his son… he’s only 2 months old. I can’t work and I’m applying for disability but they want me to cook, clean and babysit (pretty much be the family maid) but I physically can’t handle that amount of stress on my body with a newborn. I want to move out so bad and I know I’ll get there and I have to be patient and play my cards right until the SSA gets back to me. This is getting so stressful and hard to deal with.