Things to know and do when a Captain America is on your team...
As a Captain America main I want to take time to help the community understand what to do and what to expect if you see someone select him on YOUR team. Knowing a few things about how Cap plays the game is essential and the difference(imo) of YOU getting eliminations in the high 20's or going .500/under .500.
I'm going to assume that everyone knows the basics so ill just give a few quick pointers:
- Captain America will almost always attack the backline support players.
-When Cap is on your team PUSH FORWARD.
- Captain America is basically Black Panther that cannot die in a 1v1 or 1v2 against support or support/DPS combos mainly because he has 675hp AND a 400hp shield, but also because Leading Dash makes him faster than most players so he can always retreat when needed. Leading Dash has zero cooldown. He also has his Liberty Rush as another escape tool to combine with it. Caps super jump also has zero cooldown and can be combined with Liberty Rush.
-Cap is going to create an odd number frontline FOR YOU once the enemy support characters call the DPS/Tanks for help because HE WONT DIE so PUSH FORWARD.
- Captain America does things that will not reflect in the scoreboard. He will be 4-1 with 9k dmg and 27k dmg blocked. The DPS/Tanks cant be healed if their supports are occupied and frustrated by a character that has remembered where all the health regens are on the map and can get to them faster than them. All while luring them AWAY from the fight.
-Do not judge your teammate Cap by the scoreboard. If YOU are following the first two pointers then YOU should have 25-30 PUSH FORWARD and get them.
Captain America is NOT a bad selection...he is almost top tier if YOU understand how he fits in your team. He unlocks the aggressiveness in everyone based on the fact that he doesn't have a projectile weapon and must rely on his fists(which ironically unlock the free shield throws).