dating cultural differences
I (f, 30) am usually very slow to open up to new people and decide if I like someone or not, so dating in Japan is quite difficult for me. From my (and my friends experience) it seems to be common here to decide to be in a relationship after 2-3 dates. Every time I said to my date “sorry I need more time, but let’s continue meeting” I noticed they either think I am rejecting them or they get more and more impatient. Even if I tell them it’s just how I am and not a reflection of them…
Is it better to just accept the “girlfriend/boyfriend” labels even if for me, this person is basically still a stranger? Considering some guys don’t even like or text much inbetween dates, 2-3 dates is not nearly enough I feel!
But then again, it also seems that like once you commit to a “relationship” here they think kissing and more is already a given, but I am also slow with that 😂 So I don’t want to disappoint or misguide the other person and also not put myself in a situation where I feel pressure to do something I don’t feel yet.
Any advice on how I could make dating here easier or more successful for me? Especially from people who are maybe similar as me and need time to get used to new people, I would love to hear your thoughts! Thanks!