Those who joined the medical field because of their passion. NOT for the money/respect part. Just the joy of human biology/diseases. How is medicine treating you?
I have read a LOT of negative posts about medicine here, and they're not for unnecessary reason. Ik it's toxic, long working hours, huge learning curve, not enough pay, huge competition. As someone who is deciding whether to enter medicine, and has passion for it too, I want to hear from folks who joined it for the same reason.
But is passion enough to sustain someone in such a system? I am asking because I do not have the responsibilities and the mental faculties of an adult. I actually never thought about money/pay of the field before starting my prep (sure it was somewhere in my mind, but seeing the posts on this sub did magnify the issue for me). And was unaware of the toxicity in the field. I am not going to lie, I was kind of unaware of the competition as well. Didn't know about the PG situation in India. And since I really have no responsibilities rt. now, I think I might just be in delusion about the field.
So, for those who joined it because they genuinely wanted to, had passion/interest in it, do you think you made the right choice? Would you do it all over again? And if you don't think you can survive in the system, what are you planning on doing (USMLE/PLAB/Research position)?
Also, after knowing the reality, did your passion kind of die down, or did you continue to keep it alive? If yes, then how?
Please note, this is in no way a jibe at folks who entered the profession for other reasons. I understand parents force stuff on kids, kids aged 17/18 are not aware of the ground realities (like me).