Safe places to sleep in your car?

Has anyone looked into paying a parking car meter or car garage or a storage facility ? Perhaps you can say it's the cost of doing business.

I heard of people actually sleeping in storage lockers with no car but usually it's frowned upon by management.

Certain things to look out for are cops and street sweepers. Some cops will put a statement warning on your car to move your car in order for the road to be repaired or cleaned up by the street sweeper.

One of the places that cops don't bother with are where business buildings are empty & abandoned usually with for sale signs and boarded up windows and doors. Every state & city & county laws are different. So what may be legal in Atlanta GA maybe illegal in NYC, LA etc. check with your laws.

Places that are legal are hwy road stops, camp grounds, city ,state , national parks. Check with local laws to see what is legal and illegal.

Also check and see what the time they are open and closed. Look at what days and holidays they are open or closed.

You can always go to KOA campgrounds they are cheap.