Took a flight and was surrounded by newly minted missionaries…
… and I couldn’t help but feel bad for them. There were maybe 12 of them all sitting around me (none on my row thank god) and I couldn’t stop thinking about how statistically a bundle of them won’t be active in the church 3 years from now. There were all of the cliche kids there - the popular jock who did it to stay popular with all the Mormon girls, the nerdy kid that sat at the front of his seminary class and answered all the questions, the attractive sister missionary who despite having had no less than 3 wedding proposals in her first year at BYU knew she needed to serve a mission, and of course the scared kid who has no idea what he’s getting into. It just felt bad. Now here I am at the bar, 2 beers in (solo work trip) thinking about those poor kids.
Any other cliche missionary types I’m missing?