Question about dosing & baskets
My topic is regarding the dose/basket ratio. I see a ton of questions about whether someone is dosing correctly, under vs over, how dose affects grind needed, etc.
My question is: does a single basket have a “sweet spot”? Or are there multiple doses that, based on the grind, would yield an identically flavorful shot?
The reason I’m asking is because I have a 20g baristopro IMS basket and I dose 17g, and achieve great results with my grind settings. However, recently I’ve been wanting a bit more yield. Would increasing my dose and grinding coarser yield the SAME quality? Or do I need to figure out what dose works best for my basket and stick with that?
Also, if a basket does have a sweet spot dose, is that based on the physical location of the top of the puck relative to the brim? Or is it more complicated than that? In my mind this makes sense because it’s all about the headspace at that point.