The Truth About Nibiru (And How It Evades Detection)

A little background: I have been studying/comparing Sumerian/Babylonian texts to Abrahamic religions (specifically Christianity/Islam) for the past decade. Over the years I have discovered what I believe to be the truth about Nibiru - a truth that is rarely if ever discussed online.

It's hard to organize a decade's worth of information, so I will simply take you through the logic of my theory.

If we are to believe Zecharia Sitchin's translation of the Sumerian texts, Nibiru is a supermassive planet that enters the inner solar system every ~3600 years (1 Shar).

Nibiru is said to be what caused the flood of Noah, along with many other "apocalypses" on Earth. The planet is said to be populated by a civilization called the Anunnaki, which so far as I can tell, is a consortium of beings from many extraterrestrial races.

Note: If my theory is correct, Sitchin was wrong about the way in which Nibiru travels. I am only using him as a source for the reader to understand the concept of Nibiru.

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Debunker's argument:

The argument against this is scientifically sound and pretty much indisputable if we are to believe that Nibiru fits the classical definition of a planet.

No planet-sized object can escape detection by modern technology. Even the slightest shift in Jupiter's (or any other planet's) orbit would sound alarms, but it’s not happening.

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But let's take a look into what Christianity / Islam say about the apocalypse.

"But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." - Matthew 24:36

"Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on its heads." - Revelation 12:3

"The Beast of the Earth in Islam, will be one of the signs of the coming of the Last Day. It will appear after the sun rises in the west, where the Beast will be sighted the first time."

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Now I bring you my theory:

To recap:

- We know that Nibiru cannot fit the classical definition of a planet, because a planet cannot "hide". Any abnormalities in orbits would be immediately noticed by amateur astronomers, impossible to cover up.

- We know that Christianity/Islam indicate that the object will suddenly appear, without warning.

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I propose that Nibiru is a supermassive extraterrestrial craft (possibly a hollowed-out planet) piloted by the Anunnaki, a civilization million+++ years more advanced than humanity who travel around seeding life in the universe and also saving/"refreshing" planets when/if said life becomes destructive or cancerous to the planet itself.

"So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them." - Genesis 1:27

At the current rate of technological advancement, the hollowing out of a planet for use as a craft (or simply building a supermassive craft) would not only be achievable, but likely.

These beings can move where they want, instantly, by bending spacetime, by traveling through different dimensions (they are said to be a 4th-dimensional species). This is why in all major religions, the object can appear instantly.

Lastly, I propose that this object could be close, but "out of phase" (i.e. evading detection) and awaiting the final orders from the being who's said to be the leader of the Anunnaki - "Lord Anu". Even in this state, it's energy is so powerful that it's causing changes on the Earth.

There is much more to the Anunnaki story, for example, Enki (master geneticist of the Anunnaki) giving the plans to Noah to build the ark in an attempt to, perhaps selfishly, save his flawed creation. But in this post, I am focusing exclusively on Nibiru.

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The most powerful telescopes on Earth can hardly track this object because it does not obey the laws of physics. Though it is telling that, for example, The Vatican has one of the most powerful infrared telescopes called "Lucifer".

The elites only have a vague idea of when this object could arrive and "uncloak". COVID, the lockdowns, Biden's apocalyptic COVID speeches "dark winter" "hardest weeks/months since the pandemic started"... it's all related.

Until 2020, I started to think that it could all be false, everything I researched/studied - the conclusions I made about Nibiru. But once I saw what's happening with COVID, I started to realize like... holy shit, this is it isn't it? The elites need us to be locked down indefinitely so they can escape to their bunkers/safe areas without much hassle (where they will be buried alive and die like the rest of us).

Am I saying with certainty that Nibiru will be seen within the next few months? No. But I'm saying at minimum, COVID was a practice run to see how far they could go.

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I conclude there are only two possibilities:

  1. Nibiru is a supermassive extraterrestrial craft.
  2. Nibiru does not exist, and thus, all Abrahamic religions (and ancient mythologies) cannot be true.

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Finally, I leave you with this quote:

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." - Arthur C. Clarke

There is so much more information to be shared, but this was all pulled from my head without revisiting anything. Hopefully, it's enough to at least inspire some people to look deeper.

I would love to hear your thoughts/criticisms and will answer any questions you have regarding this theory.