Injury codex?
I just saw the new Mellow clip of Giuliano Cameroni and it talks about him being out for 6 months due to a severe knee injury. I went to his insta to check out what happened and there's no mention of it. Obviously it's Giuliano's decision to approach this however he sees fit, but it got me thinking wether there's a kind of codex not to talk about injuries too openly? Being relatively new to bouldering I think it would help me develop an instinct for dangerous situations if high-exposure people talked in detail about how exactly they got hurt. To know which movements or falls are the really high-risk ones.
Like how did Giuliano blow out his knee THAT badly on a boulder? Scary. I'm phrasing my question like this because I know there are different unwritten codes to approach injuries in the sports I've spent longer parts of my life in. Skateboarding, for example, is so open about it you sometimes wish they didn't shove a "Hall of Meat" clip in your face. While snowboarding is a little more low-key about it on average. Personally I don't like to watch people get injured and I detest the glorification of it, but I think there are instructive benefits to be gained out of the bad situation that is a serious injury and it feels wasteful to pass up on this.