Betta in a large bowl

Hello! Last week I got myself a betta, she lives in a large bowl I’ve had for years. It is about 6-7 gallons. It has a heater, a filter, live plants and places she can hide when she wants to. I’ve bought her high quality food and I’m doing my very best to make sure she has everything she needs to be happy. However I am worried about what everyone is saying about bettas being in bowls. I do already plan on getting her a 10 - 15 gallon tank when money allows it. I’m just curious if you guys think I am committing acts of animal cruelty? She does seem happy. She swims around, likes hiding and playing in the plants. She’s curious and she likes swimming close to me whenever I’m in her vicinity. She is fully aware of when her feeding time is, and she eats immediately as her food is dropped in. Her color is a vibrant blue. Should I still rush to get her a larger tank, or can she handle a couple of months?