Cheap DIY chiller for aquarium
So I have recently been looking into to chillers as I will need something to cool my water besides fans and ice once the summer roles around next year. I can't seem to find an aquarium chiller that is reasonably priced AND has positive reviews. All the good ones seem to be $350+, sometimes more like $500+
If there is one you recommend that is efficient/reliable but well priced let me know.
Anyone use the 150W, 42g, 1/10hp chiller from ezcasch? Seeing it for about $200 new
Until then I have been researching how to do a DIY chiller, does anyone have experience with this? Found some old fish forums with tutorials and also some on YouTube.
Generally they seem to use a contraption built from Peltier modules, fans, heat sink, and water cooling blocks.
Anyone done one of these before and did it work? Was it worth it?
Pricing for it seems to be about $150 for a 40g tank, but it's not super detailed on how low it can get the temp to go, some say it can lower it to 70 from 80, which is crazy good for the price. Others say it would be more like 77 from 80 which is not useful at all.
Might depend on how many modules you use, how much voltage is put into it and or how large the heating sink is....not to sure