Will we ever see another Hitchens?
If you know, you know. Christopher Hitchens was a master of debate. His command of the English language was unparalleled. Hitchens could craft a single sentence that dismantled an argument, made one laugh, and was incredibly cutting - even insulting - all at the same time.
One of my favorite Hitchen’s moments had to be after the death of Falwell. Appearing on Hannity & Colmes, he famously refused to offer any condolences for Falwell’s death. Before the segment ended, Hitchens quipped “If you gave Falwell an enema, you could bury him in a matchbox”.
It took me a minute to dissect, but it’s such a clever insult. He is suggesting that Falwell was literally so full of shit (empty rhetoric, hypocrisy), that if you gave him an enema, there’s be almost nothing left of him - he’d fit in a tiny matchbox. He was a master of rhetorical obliteration.
I very much doubt we’ll ever see another Hitchens. His insults weren’t just cheap shots, they were backed by deep knowledge and commitment to intellectual honesty; something sorely lacking in today’s environment.
I can only imagine what his takes on figures like Tronald Dump and President Leon Musk would be if he were here today. I imagine he would have a lot to say.
So, since we no longer have the late Christopher Hitchens to enlighten us with his well-read takes, who are you reading now?