Are water and earth signs the most disliked? A tally of signs that people don’t want to be

I decided to do a tally of the signs mentioned in this post: “What sign are you glad you are NOT and why?” to see what trends I could find.

I counted comments that gave a clear answer and replies that expressed clear agreement. Comments for an entire element receive 1 vote each. I did not count self-mentions unless it mentioned multiple other signs besides their own. The results were pulled at around 11am, so comments made after this time were not counted.

The results:

Water signs
Cancer: 45
Pisces: 45
Scorpio: 42

Earth signs
Virgo: 49
Capricorn: 41
Taurus: 23

Air signs
Gemini: 32
Libra: 19
Aquarius: 17

Fire signs
Aries: 38
Leo: 19
Sagittarius: 9

By element
Water: 34.8%
Earth: 29.8%
Air: 17.9%
Fire: 17.4%

Signs ranked

  1. Virgo (49)
  2. Cancer & Pisces tied (45)
  3. Scorpio (42)
  4. Capricorn (41)
  5. Aries (38)
  6. Gemini (32)
  7. Taurus (23)
  8. Libra & Leo tied (19)
  9. Aquarius (17)
  10. Sagittarius (9)


My hypothesis was that earth and water signs would be the most mentioned, which was confirmed by the results: they made up 64.6% of the vote and took up the top 5 spots. Water signs in particular faced more bias than earth signs.

I also noticed a pattern in the responses. Replies to comments about earth and water signs tended to express agreement, while replies to comments about air and fire signs were more likely to defend them. Additionally, water and earth signs were the most likely to speak negatively about themselves throughout the thread.

This suggests a broader cultural bias—one that even those affected by it may unknowingly reinforce. In a community largely made up of women who advocate for feminism, it’s worth considering why the traditionally feminine elements receive the most criticism. It is a subtle reflection of how women subconsciously facilitate misogyny in society, even among those who oppose it.

This isn't about blame, but rather about recognizing these patterns so we can challenge them. When people claim that all signs are treated or loved equally, it's helpful to look at the evidence and ask: does that reflect reality? And is the bias against people of these signs truly justified or deserved?