strattera has severely INCREASED my libido and i am ashamed and uncomfortable.

(EDIT: thank you all for the lovely helpful responses. i am now realizing that this level of shame isn't normal or healthy, and i hope i didn't upset anyone. thank you for being patient with me. ive realized that i think some of my guilt and shame with these natural thoughts is that I'm generally a pretty awkward person, and the thought of myself doing that feels gross because i think i look gross LOL. i still think the increased libido is (indirectly) from the strattera, but moreso that my brain finally isn't in fight or flight mode for the first time in months and can actually afford to think about sex. thank you again for your responses. im gonna talk to someone about this. sadly, im between therapists righr now as im part of a temporary crisis program, but once i get a new therapist and trust them, I'll talk to them about it. i do have a counselor that i trust very very strongly, but i dont want to make him feel awkward, so ill wait LOL. ) im 22 F and just started taking strattera. on the thrd day of taking it, i realized my libido had skyrocketed. i am facing many intrusive and obsessive sexual thoughts (about authority figures/support systems in my life..)and my body is quite literally insatiable. i also take WAY longer to finish now. this isn't fun or hot. i am drowning in guilt and shame and humiliation. i was literally asexual before i started strattera, and now I can't stop thinking about it. i don't know what to do. i feel so disgusted and ashamed, and I can't tell anyone. i can't tell my prescriber or counselor. im too embarrassed. have any other females had their sex drive INCREASE with strattera? how can i distract myself/cope with this sudden change?? my libido has done a complete 180. im miserable. i feel like I'm not in control of my own body.