My little collection.🌸✨🌸✨

Hello everyone! I am very nervous to finally the post here! I barely ever post on Reddit,😵‍💫 But this is my little collection so far! I have both laserdisc of the show and the manga (English) and an interesting promotional coffee coaster as well!☺️✨🌷 I love YKK with all of my heart.❤️ It’s by far, my favorite anime on laserdisc. I’ve been collecting LD’s for many years. Mainly more adult anime, but I of course, had to pick YKK. I hope you all enjoy. I hope to also share more of my YKK collection as it grows this year that is my goal for this year is to grow it dramatically. I would love to get the dolls and anything else I can find that’s really super rare.✨🌸🌷