We should have a formal, legally recognized knighthood.

I know it seems silly, but I like the Knights of the Golden Horseshoe and would like to see it extended to other major cultural achievements. Win a Grammy? Knight of the Dueling Banjos. Break the sound barrier? Knight of the October Sky.

They should receive a pin they can wear, especially to formal events (like congress) and be allowed to call themselves Sir and Dame. Once there are enough of them, they can meet in a museum with other knights to deliberate new members around a coal table in the shape of West Virginia.

That building could also have a rotation of exhibits of the winners so West Virginians can go and see what others have achieved. It'd be cool if winners got a cash reward or yearly annuity, but that would probably be too expensive.

Anyway, silly, but I think it would be a fun way to raise cultural awareness and award West Virginians for doing something significant. It would also be great to have an actual museum of West Virginian achievements in one place for history.