[WTB] Weekly Want To Buy Post
This is the weekly WTB post! Please post all your **W**ant **T**o **B**uy needs here!!
Please make a *top level reply to this post* with your want to buy needs!
**Buyers**: You should absolutely require that someone offering you an item in response to your request posts *in this thread*. Their ability to post a reply to you *here* proves that they are not banned from this sub. (On the other hand, if they can't/won't/offer excuses/*any other thing* then just assume they're banned and they're a scammer!)
**Please be aware that the majority of scamming attempts here happen because of posted WTB's.** If you post a WTB and someone contacts you, make *every effort* to prove that they have the watch. Do not use Paypal's Friends & Family or any other means where you will not have recourse. Be extremely vigilant toward people responding to your WTB!!!
You can see other [WTB] threads [here](http://www.reddit.com/r/Watchexchange/search?q=title%3A%22WTB%22+author%3Aautomoderator+&restrict_sr=on&sort=new&t=all).
The [WTB] tag will be used only by moderators of r/watchexchange; any and all WTB needs shall be handled in this thread.