More Caves, Then We Will Be Home!
Odysseus had a very friendly chat with a siren that ended with us cutting off their tails and throwing their bodies into the murky abyss of the ocean. What Thursday afternoon that was. It made me hungry for some fried fish, hoho!
We noticed an abandoned ship and immediately realized what was near. A siren (perhaps the leader?) appeared to my nephew in the form of his dear wife Penelope. It was a bit unsettling to the rest of the crew to watch our captain fake flirt with his fake wife. But, he assured us that she told him how to get home. We must travel through some cave, and then there shall be smooth sailing to Ithaca. Can you all believe it? Such a simple solution.
So now we are all here, on our wonderful little ship, as we sail down the waterway home. I will update during our free time in the cave. Perhaps with another AMA. Until then!