How do I deal with bullies at school

I'll try keep this as short at possible

In year 7 I was bullied, heavily by practically the whole year cuz im trans, I became depressed and shit cuz home life wasn't good too, so on suislidal and shi -probably the worst time of my life

Fast foward Year 8 I some how get adopted by a group of guys my age, and we've been best mates ever since- I was still getting bullied and dealing with suislide but it lessened cuz they helped alot

Now year 9, I am alot more confident, I love my friends, still dealing with depression and suislidedal thoughts (cuz that shit doesn't just go away) - but the bullies just would not quit.

They only lessened cuz I reported them in year 8, (I joined boys pe group in year 8 also) but now they still shit on me, and I'm starting to have frequent panic attacks bc of them (that's something that happened alot in year 7)

They call me a girl- even tho I fully pass and you wount be able to tell I was trans unless I told you, I am watering this down to the max but the jist is, they are absolutely vile. (They make comments about my body, which makes dysphoria worse).

So I need advise on how to tackle this, bc being trans in like a soft spot there nothing I can really do combat that, my school is going through alot of changes rn so I don't rlly want to bother them, my mum can't do shit (she doesn't even support), my initial train of thought is something that will end me up in jail so I'd rather not do that.

And I cant "sit down and have a chat with them" cuz wtf type of bully is going to sit down and have a chat, talk less a big group of fugly obnoxious boys, so I'm out of ideas, and no one better say to just ignore them, cuz if you've ever been bullied you know that is the most bull shit advise ever spoken

Anyways much advise needed, thanks for reading and have a nice day👍🏾

(I'll try put a pinned comment on what I look like in the comments)